Silver water does wonders for your health

March 16, 2020

"Silver people" increase the number of chronically ill, according to a Russian professor

Professor of the Moscow Medical Academy Prof. Yuri Ulyanov, MD, has been applying non-standard practices in the diagnosis and treatment of ENT-related problems for almost three decades. The Russian doctor conducted a number of studies in which he observed children and adults and based on them made the unusual discovery that some people are addicted to silver. These silver-addicts he called "silver people" and according to him they represent about 40% of the population. "The immune system of silver people, according to the expert, needs more silver ions to function. This is the reason when standard treatment is given to them, it does not give the necessary results and their disease becomes chronic, ie a high percentage of chronically ill people are "silver people".

Ulyanov studied 87 women who wore only silver jewelry. Based on a methodology he authored, he found that in all these women the test for dependence on silver was positive. Also, based on his observations, he proved that in some people colloidal silver does not work simply because the dose needs to be higher.

The Russian doctor argues that silver should be officially recognized as an element that is part of the most important tissues and organs of the human body. Silver is involved in metabolic processes and for this reason the body needs to get silver ions from the outside.

Silver water treatment

Regular use of water with silver ions (0.01 mg / l-0.1 mg / l) ensures that the structural needs of the bodies of silver-dependent people are met. Prophylactically, the scientist recommends making decoctions with which to rinse the throat in the form of a gargling solution. Sprayed in the nose, silver water destroys pathogenic viruses in the nasopharynx and is a good prevention against viral and common cold infections. However, when it comes to treatment, according to Prof. Ulyanov the doses should include 3-4 times higher silver concentrations of the solution.

According to the specialist, acute rhinitis and sore throat can be cured using silver water within 1-3 days. The Russian doctor recommends wearing silver jewelry because it has a beneficial effect on the whole body, especially if it is in contact with the body. The same goes for eating in silver dishes using silverware, as well as for using shampoos, shower gels, body lotions that contain silver ions.
